• Brick wall

    Engineer in the real world

    Matter –> energy into brick wall


    Think like an engineer?


    Creating a wall in cyberspace?


    Bitcoin , money in cyberspace

    Credit card is credit not money


    HCA CORPORATION — China man $30B– in a world of credit … subject to laws of nature , made mistake in the real world


    No consequences in cyberspace without cyber energy ***

    500,000-1M fake accounts a day, 300M a year… because free … there is no truth.

    Create matter and energy in cyberspace

    1 second, 40 Billion dollars

    No consequences in cyberspace

    60 days to settle –> velocity and friction of the money is 6 times a year, move 30 times money is gone (2.5%)–

    Money without friction … music… Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin is Music?

    Move energy 1000 times a second … oscillate

    No consequences of cyber insecurity and toxicity —

    They’re probably a bot and not real person

    20,000 fake listeners


    No digital energy to create consequences


    Engineering the world

  • No bank involved

    Respect the laws of physics and mass

    Energy cannot be created nor destroyed — vibrations and energy frequencies (Tesla)

    Everything was non-conservative before

    Digital information revolution on web then mobile phone

    Bitcoin— we move digital energy not information

    Move $1B of digital energy from me to you -> move it into the FUTURE

    Gold is money everything else is credit JPMORGAN CHASE — security paper represents gold —> you want the money not the credit.

    $1M of cash is credit .,, bank doesn’t have an API to move the money

    Steel is highly condensed materialized energy

    100 stories — 100 year skyscraper

    Expansive in time and space — steel

    Oil is concentrated liquid energy

    ”Standardized” oil –

    Bitcoin is digital energy and digital matter***

    Energy can flow into the digital real,

  • Currencies and property

    Stop the bleeding ***

    Crypto property

    Do you want property?


  • Engineer a better world

    Cold roll steel


    Cash is trash?

    Purchasing power

    Do something transformational

    Buy digital monopoly

    It looks like the Google or the Facebook of money

    The mobile wave

    2020– end of the mobile wave?

    Crypto > Mobile

    Engineer a better world … engineers are divine.

  • So I’ve been thinking a lot about life, money wealth, power property, digital physical etc. After all of the thinking and considerations, and also having my mom here at the moment, some thoughts:

    The first big thought is health is prime. The other day I accidentally drink way too much coffee, and I had the worst splitting headache of all time, maybe in terms of pain…. a 9 out of 10. Still functional, full of energy, but the headache made everything bad.

    And this is the funny thing, even if you have $100 million, $100 million worth of property, value stocks bonds, bitcoin crypto, yachts, private jets, Lamborghinis or whatever… No amount of wealth, beautiful women, beautiful scenery or things or food will alleviate your pain.

    2. Body power

    During the short period of time here, probably my greatest joy is having Cindy take my mom to yoga, hot yoga, doing a bunch of classes with her, barre etc. Also the great upside of having my own backyard garage gym is that I’ve already been able to do some weightlifting with my mom as well.

    I think at my mom, I think the most important thing I value share for is for help. As being strength, vitality, high muscle mass and low body fat, posture, tenacity, diversity, bigger, ability to walk longer time without fatigue or having to sit down etc.

    In fact, I think the tragedy of modern life, especially in culture is the thought that as one gets older, one should pamper people who are older by always having them sit, to move as little as possible etc. In America, I think the general idea is you want to get super rich, and all of these Assets you got have to do with something about sitting on your butt. I call it the pampered butt syndrome. 

    For example, let us say that you want the Rolls-Royce the Bentley or Mercedes or whatever… What is it? Just a really good seat butt cushion.

    And this is the thing I’ve realized about sports cars, hyper cars or whatever… Everyone admires your car, not you. In fact, and skinny fat loser, or old fat guy can push accelerator button on his foot, and make loud noises and go fast, This requires zero skill and also zero courage. A simple intervention I have is this:

    Silent car, be insanely loud at the gym.

    Or better yet,

    Drive a Prius, and be loud and audacious in real life. 

    In fact I was walking the other day, and I saw a guy pull up in a silver all electric Porsche Taycan car, now I realized… there’s not really much different from an electric car and driving a Prius. 

    Cybertruck vision

    I think the only interesting car currently in the universe is the cyber truck. It is like a wet dream out of all of my video game fantasies.

    Anyways, probably the most interesting thing is the towing capacity. But, rather than shelling out the big bucks for it, I think it’s a better idea to try to transform your body into the cyber truck. A simple suggestion is buying a 60 pound weight vest at Titan.fitness, or trying to lift 1000 pounds in the ERIC KIM atlas lift Fashion. 

    Body shaming

    This is my: in American Society, modern day Puritan American Society, the body is a thing to be ashamed of,.

    What I realize is the reason why people hate me, and really really feel upset at seeing me walk around topless, with my full body beautiful sun kissed olive oil skin tan, looking like an ancient Greek or Mediterranean person, is that most people hit the way they look naked. I think this goes with both men and women.

    Truth be told the only issue here is,. This includes alcohol, which causes cancer, weed and marijuana, and real milk, fake and real sugar, etc. I think the only things to consume is flush meat, or meat, ideally red, ideally grass fed, pasture raised, Pasture raised eggs whatever.


    I’ve been on a really big Michael Saylor kick lately, this man is insanely insightful, and I trust him because  he has experience skin exposure and real life experience in the game. He has run Michael strategy SCO company, a software company for over 30 years, so I think he knows a thing or two about business economics money etc.

    One of the big ideas he talks about is how body fat, human battery. I think if you take the average over fat person, you can essentially have them just run off of their bodies fat reserves for certainly at least 40 days without food. Only water and maybe coffee.

    This is intermittent investing makes sense, eating only is the optimal strategy. It might be different for young children, and women going through a menstrual cycle, but for men, it should be defacto. 



    I think the big thing that nobody has really given critical thought about is the philosophy of fitness. What does it mean, why does it matter, etc.

    I think a very very level, a very very basic level, some simple thoughts on fitness include:

    1. Sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night, and feeling great in the morning and during the day
    2. A zest and passion for life
    3. Great energy to play, wrestle, run around with your kid
    4. No bodily pain, aches, etc.
    5. High muscle mass, low body fat percentage
    6. Ability to move great weight, impressive.

    Perhaps, fitness is best made manifest through one’s demeanor, and gay upbeat demeanor.

    The gay monster

    “Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore.” – Galiani

    Being here in Los Angeles, LA for the last maybe five or six months… Some observations:

    First, looks like a lot of people here are sad, lonely, listless and aimless. You could see it on their faces.

    Most people here seem gloomy, morose, sick?

    For example, men. I think the guy in LA, maybe around my age, a little bit older or younger, the typical look is this:

    Some sort of decent job, drive some sort of base car, an Audi A3 or Q3, maybe single, maybe dating, maybe has a dog (foster), doesn’t work out, if you work out he works out ironically, spends almost all his time indoors or at the office, always hides his eyes by wearing fully tinted sunglasses, covers his head or maybe his bald or balding spot with the cap or baseball cap, hides his face with facial hair or some weird Hitler mustache, hides his body shape with baggy oversize flannel and baggy pants, and tries to show off his distinctness by wearing some sort of irregular trainer shoes?

    Also, the typical guy in LA always has AirPods on, doesn’t make eye contact, never smiles, is a coward?

    Women in LA are much better class, but still, I just got the sense of everybody is lonely.

    People in LA are actually not that fit?

    My joke is this, when I ask people, what food do people in LA eat, my joke is that people in LA don’t eat food, they just drink $15 juices, and alkaline water. 

    Spending a copious amount time here in Los Angeles, the very funny irony is that even though we are at the self centric image conscious center of the world, people here are actually very very unfit. Even the people who go to the gym every day, or maybe do yoga every day… They don’t really look that well.

    In fact, I found that in the suburbs of Orange County, at least the men are much more muscular, more weightlifting and powerlifting, but also the problem in there is that a lot of those guys take steroids.

    If you exercise every day all the time, and you’re still miserable, something needs to change.

    Being friendly is free?

    A very very simple suggestion I have is make eye contact with people, smile, wave, give them the thumbs up give them a head and not, a fist bump, or a peace sign. Better to risk being friendly and get ignored, or rejected, rather than be the typical Standoffish loser.

    Once again, being standoffish is cowardly and unmanly. Real men, real alpha men are all friendly gay and joyful, and will always greet you. I think it is only the beta men who are so self-conscious that when you wave high to them, they pretend like they didn’t even see you? Really weird.

    Back to nature

    The other day I was spent all day walking around town with my mom in Seneca, a lot of walking. And the truth is there is no greater privilege in the world than to simply walk around all day. Why?

    First, what is the purpose of human being? To, move around!

    Second, the best way to engage and talk is via walking. Even Steve Jobs was famous for enjoying walking meetings, even Nietzsche said that the best thoughts always come to you while walking!

    Walking life

    What is the supreme privilege of man?

    I think the supreme privilege of man is to walk, walking, moving around, being upright.

    The other day I saw a bunch of losers drive by me in red Ferrari, checking me out walking around in my 60 pound weight vest. They were stuck in traffic like the typical LA, and I just gave them ahead and odd, and they pretended to not see me and look away.

    I realize when you’re walking, walking on the sidewalk or whatever… Technically you’re higher up than anybody who is sitting on their butt in the car. Maybe the only other nuance is seeing those guys in those lifted trucks, but this is my observation:

    Big car, small man

    In fact a lot of these guys to drive these trucks, who seem to like to wear trucker hats, tinted sunglasses, lots of facial hair, tend to be fat with a bunch of tattoos, when they pop out of there lift a truck tend to be pretty short. I suppose you could add to your suspension, but not your own bodily frame and soul.

    Nobody is your match

    Never judge or another man until you have stood straight up, next to next to him, in real life, to toe eye to eye, seeing the height differential.

    I suppose the reason why I’m so grateful and happy is that I’m quite tall at around 5‘11“. And as time has gone on, and as I have been wearing around my 60 pound vest, doing more upright the grid workouts in my backyard garage, my backyard LA parking lot, my posture has improved. It has given me at least an inch of height.

    I suppose you can help your genetics in terms your height, but you could help your posture.

    In fact, I see a lot of testosterone and confidence, even if they are short, because they walk upright, chin up, chest up, shoulders back.

    I think the first way to fix her posture is never set. Either stand up, walk around, or lie down on your back.

    Suggestions, treadmill, or even easier, just walk around town with your iPad Pro and voice dictate like I am doing now.

    Or, if you’re some sort of successful executive who needs to be on FaceTime, zoom, or phone calls, just walk around with your iPhone pro and take calls that way, not some depressing, doesn’t matter if you are at the Apple Amazon or Google office, go outside!

    The privilege of nature

    The best financial investment you could probably do is get some sort of annual parking pass, Cindy just bought one for us and all of Los Angeles County for about 100 bucks for the whole year, best investment of all time, especially considering that a lot of these national parks cost about $15-$20 in just one entry parking spot.

    My mom has cooperated with me is that you nature, surrounded by trees there is more oxygen in the air, which is good for your brain your body and your soul.

    Also, uneven surfaces, elevations. The reason why I enjoy walking or hiking in the mountains is that each and every step is different. We recently went to this place called Vasquez rocks, where I think the last Star Wars movie was filmed, and we scrambled up these rocks, it was the real life rock climbing, 1 trillion times more interesting than any stuffy indoor climbing gym. And also, on the stone path, each and every step was different, variety and the environment is the best stimulus for your brain.


    Can you invest money into health? 

  • Buy a billion dollars of property in cyberspace

    21 million city blocks … hold for 1,000 years

    30,000 pounds of gold?—> you can mine more gold

    Rent control is Problem, and new taxes



    Never decomposes

    Break into 1,000 pieces in a second and recompose it

    1. I can hold a billion dollars of value of if in my head
    2. I can kill you but I can’t take it
    3. I’d rather have half than zero
    4. Cyber virus … Self replicating in cyberspace .. swarm
    5. Protect the integrity of the network .., truth & integrity


    Short the currency which is collapsing… then get the property OUT of the country

    Buy a virtual building … rent it to people in London, New York City.

    Teleport it anywhere in space, perfected property lowest maintenance cost

    Currency is the medium in which the money moves

    Wish to hold and transport energy

    15%-20 value losing a year USD

    Gold is cumbersome

    Currencies don’t work

    How to store economic energy over time?

    SP500 used to be money —… bled only 2% a year … at least hold value?

    10% money value loses a year …

    Stock goes up by 10… issues more stock

    Hold your wealth? Or build your wealth?

    Short currency, Long the property

    Stocks aren’t scarce

  • If so, now what?

    1. More compact?
    1. Cybertruck
  • You create your own ideal world, you are the world-builder, the world maker.

  • When the money is scarce, everything else becomes valuable.


    Digital commodity



    Everyone else be confused so you can act


    Bitcoin transparent

    Bitcoin is a unit

    Cannot cheat the system

    Bitcoin as fair open protocol


    More people use the protocol, the more useful it becomes

    Online social network

    Online economic network ***

    Bitcoin is the next great social media thing concept?


    System engineering

    Crypto commodity –> first in human history

    Bitcoin is the king crypto commodity

    Commodity to scarcity

    First time in human history

    Hard supply ***


    Zero percent inflation rate

    2% … half life of 30 years

    1% … 72 years

    0%–> you live forever

    What is a basis point ?

    Immortal or 30 year half life


  • Dutch auction

    $121-122– buy out at 140

    20 days

    Strategy –>

    Square bought Bitcoin


    Convertible bond



    $650M bond


    75 basis points …


    Borrow money at less than 1% interest

    45% compounded …



    Volatility doesn’t really matter until due end of term


    $1000 a share





    Double your money


    Coupon was zero — billion dollars of money for free for 5-6 years


    Nobody gets rich by holding cash

    Bitcoin Company ***




    More opportunism

    Bitcoin strategy


    Bitcoin roller coaster


    How can we buy more bitcoin?


    Buy Bitcoin


    7-800$ a share

    Premium to develop

    Build the capital base

    Dozen transactions



    Bitcoin Dividend


    ETF got approved

    Trading at a premium

    Borrow against your own stock, leverage the stock, option the stock — put and call.


    1. Massive volatility
    2. Liquidity –> trade in the spot market , hedge your exposure
    3. Durability or transparency — will continue — wont go on for years and years


    Credible, durable … transparent strategy

    Bitcoin 75– maximum volatility — 120-140 volatility points


    Black shawls equation –> more volatility better options

    Issue convertible debt

    We want exposure

    Liquidity, and also… options. Optionality .


    You’re buying it at reverse

    Cheapest financing

    Less than 1% interest unsecured


    Gold wrap car?


    Option … more optionality

    Afraid of the future?

    Predictable is terrible for options market and traders


    Paradigm shift –> digital commodity not a physical commodity –> digital energy

    Commodity into scarcity … 21M cap.

    Other commodities are infinitely producible

    Don’t use oil as treasury reserve asset



    20-50% Bitcoin appreciation



    Beat the cost to capital



    $15B of Bitcoin on balance sheet


    21M * 60,000–>

    Billion dollar swing on the weekend

    Crypto ossilator engine

    The whole crypto

    Crypto engine

  • Or fear of losing gains ,,, but rather, a desire for new innovations?

  • Indestructible message forever 

    Crypto notary network of the world 

    I want to make money without taking all these risks

  • 20-40% annual growth — watch year over year

    Total world wealth

    20% of the world’s wealth into Bitcoin —>

    The only asset I promote is bitcoin>> super simple!!

    Opinions and observations

    I don’t promote another strategy , I don’t promote another asset 

    Immutable transactions

    Just focus on one thing?***

    Digital seal?

  • Look out 10 years ahead, and enjoy the ride 

  • Trade with 20x leverage —

    Sophisticated financially


    48 months — under water

    Look out 10 years

    20-30 gradually maturity

    30 years of earnings ahead of you, 30 years of alpha of knowledge —> smarter than people 25 years older than you


    Buy Bitcoin less than $5m a bitcoin

    $1,000 an hour —> $10 an hour into Bitcoin

    Look 20 years ahead—

  • The future is already here but it isn’t evenly distributed

    One generation

    The Bitcoin ecosystem —> think smartphone revolution

    Serpentine growth

    Surge up, crash down,,,, serpentine roller coaster growth cycle

    Halvings will drive the cycle ***

    Big tech, Apple —> war, panic, hyper inflation

  • You let everyone else panic sell


    Don’t think “gains”—